Rideauview Contracts
2091 Washburn Road, RR #2, Inverary, Ontario, Canada, K0H 1X0

Dear valued customers,
We strive to improve accessibility to our clients with disabilities. We would like to hear your comments, questions, or suggestions about the provision of our goods and services to people with disabilities. Please use the Customer Feedback Form below, or contact Customer Service in person, by mail, or at (613)-546-7779, or by e-mail at:

Thank you,
Rideauview Contracts Staff and Management.


Thank you for visiting Rideauview Contracts. We value all our customers and work to meet everyone’s individual needs.

* NAME  
* E-MAIL  

Please tell us the date and time of your visit

Did we meet your Customer Service needs today? YES:  NO  If NO please explain below.
Was our Customer Service provided to you in an accessible manner?
  If NO please explain below.
Did you have any problems accessing our goods and services?
  (If YES please explain below)  SOME   (If SOME, please explain below.)

* Optional, will be used for a courtesy reply to acknowledge your message, and also so that we may contact you to discuss your concerns.

Once Complete, print a copy for your files (overflow in text boxes will not print), then send the completed form by clicking on the "SEND" button. You may also highlight and copy the full details shown on the "Thank You For Filling Out This Form" notice or simply print the notice from your browser.